Extradition & Mutual Legal Assistance
Quist have defended some of the most high profile and complex extradition requests in the UK, including the longest running extradition case.
Quist have defended some of the most high profile and complex extradition requests in the UK, including the longest running extradition case. We advise on the best tactics and the technical, statutory and human rights challenges available whilst robustly defending our clients.
A person can be liable for extradition if they are accused, or convicted of, a crime in a foreign country. Even where a country does not have an extradition arrangement with the UK, it is possible for special arrangements to be made.
Quist have advised and represented a government in the course of requests for mutual legal assistance in the context of a high profile and complex corruption and money laundering case.
Quist are known for their determination and commitment to investigating and gathering evidence from around the world to support their clients defence to extradition requests and to pursue successful requests for mutual legal assistance.
Quist have defended some of the most high profile and complex extradition requests in the UK, including the longest running extradition case.